Flu Shot 💉 or Flu Shot 🥂
I’m sure you can recall every year when the “Flu season” is upon us. Every October, every year, hitting its peak in December and lasting until February. Everyone starts panicking and making appointments with their family doctor or their local CVS in town because they feel the urgent need to go get that annual Flu vaccine. The constant propaganda screaming at you from the giant billboards lined up and down the highways, “GET YOUR SHOT.” Some stores will even give you free donuts if you oblige, and who doesn’t like free stuff? And while you’re there, you had better stock up on daytime and nighttime flu medications, anti-bacterial soaps and sprays, and maybe some masks even after the COVID pandemic. This has become a yearly routine, but does it even work?
Did you know that flu shots can give you the flu and disrupts the gut bacteria, making your immune system weaker?
Did you know that there are serious side effects to the injection? How about the side effects that come with those daytime/nighttime medications? They don’t help the body fight the flu, they only hide the symptoms.
What if I told you there was a better way? What if you could create a natural remedy at home that will work with your body and heal you faster?
Below I will share with you some great herbal remedies that I use in my house and guess what? THEY WORK!!! Follow the recipe below where I show you how I make our homemade Organic Dose Daily Shot that I have been using to treat my family for the last 2 decades.
Manuka honey is the most important antibiotic that I ALWAYS have in my house. It’s my go-to. From uncontrollable coughing, sore throats, stomach bugs, wound care, skin rashes, etc. You name it and it’s likely I have used Manuka Honey to heal it. See my other blog, What is Manuka Honey? where I explain this further.

Basically, the bees pollinate the manuka flowers on the Leptospermum trees. This creates a chemical composition of polyphenolic and other bioactive compounds, such as glyoxal and methylglyoxal. This results in the antibacterial honey, rich in antioxidant activity, antiseptic abilities, and other important biological properties.
I only buy Manuka honey that is harvested from New Zealand. There are strict, established regulations in these parts to ensure the consumer is purchasing the best honey and getting the highest medicinal factors. I always purchase the highest MGO number. This tells you how potent the antimicrobials are and these are what teams up with the body to kill bacteria and viruses.
When making the FLU shot, Manuka Honey is the most important ingredient. With this, you will have a much higher chance of fighting off the infection.
The second most important ingredient is fresh ginger. Ginger has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. It has high effects in combating nausea, settling the gastrointestinal tract, and decreasing inflammation and pain. This root, alongside fresh turmeric root is a double dose of excellence. Fresh turmeric is rich in nutrients and minerals that our body feels depleted of while we are sick. Ingesting it stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile which speeds up digestion, pushing the virus through you quicker, while ginger settles it, aiding in the fight with rich antioxidants.
The last ingredient that is crucial to beating this unwarranted virus is cayenne pepper. Adding this will intensify all of the other ingredients, strengthening their effects. It will enhance the honey’s powerful antibiotic properties, increase the anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea while the turmeric’s Vitamin C, B6, Manganese and Iron give us that boost we need.
You have to make it to believe it. Below is my personal recipe that I hope you will enjoy. Happy Healing!
Organic Dose Dried Flu Shot Recipe
Drink 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night.
1 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (highest potency MGO)
Click here for the best quality Manuka Honey from New Zealand
1 tsp organic ginger powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder
½ cup of Spring Water
In a tea pot or small pot, heat ½ cup of spring water. Remove from heat just before it starts to boil.
2. Grate the fresh turmeric and ginger root and add to tea cup or put in steel teabag.
3. Add the manuka honey and cayenne pepper to the tea cup or put in steel teabag.
4. Pour the hot water into the tea cup and let steep for 5-8 minutes. Covering the cup and trapping the steam will retain more nutrients.
5. Enjoy!
Organic Dose Fresh Flu Shot Recipe
Take 1 in the morning and 1 at night.
v 1 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (highest potency MGO)
v 1 inch piece of fresh ginger
v 1 inch piece of fresh turmeric
v ½ teaspoon of dried cayenne pepper
v ½ cup of Spring Water
Pour ½ cup of spring water in a tea pot, just warm enough before it boils
Grind the turmeric and the ginger root down in a cup.
Add the manuka honey and cayenne pepper.
Pour the water over it and let steep for 5-8 minutes
If you don’t want chunks of ginger and turmeric in it, you can strain but make sure it sits until room temperature to get all of the benefits. I prefer to eat it all.